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قديم 11-25-2014, 10:20 PM   #1

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مروان ساهر غير متواجد حاليا

افتراضي برنامج StartMenu 8+ 1.4 لتوفير ادوات واعدادات اضافيه الي قائمة ابدآ


StartMenu 8+ 1.4

StartMenu 8+ is a handy software solution that brings back classic Windows Start Menu for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1!The program is easy to use, just install it and run it. After StartMenu 8+ is started, simply move your mouse to the bottom left corner of your screen or click Windows key on your keyboard.Start Menu 8+ is specially designed for Window 8.1 and Windows 8. It disables hot corners and the charms bar and kills Metro. You can pin applications to start menu easily, can see recently used files for pinned applications and can perform a search on Start Menu 8+, like you are on Windows 7s Start Menu. It has a very simple and slick user interface without any complexity and it is very easy to use.

Start Menu 8+ is great solution for users who work with Windows Start Menu all the time and are not accustomed to the new Metro interface in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.

Brings back classic Windows Start Menu.
Enables and disables the charms bar and hot corners
Enables and disables the Metro interface on windows 8 and 8.1
The ability to perform search on the Start Menu
Ability to pin applications to the Start Menu
Displays recently used files for the pinned applications
Can enable transparency
Supports over 40 s
Easy to use.
And more ..

















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5 ادوات لويندوز 7 في غاية من الروعة و الفائدة بحجم 1 ميجا فقط . محمود ابو صطيف ملتقى برامج الكمبيوتر والإنترنت 13 04-30-2011 11:57 PM


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